Jesus calls everyone to follow him and be his disciple, that’s what Christians are – disciples of Jesus. Guess what he did with his first followers in order to train them to be his disciples? He formed a small group and taught and trained them for the next three years.
Before Jesus returned to his Father he told his disciples to go and make more disciples (Matthew 28:18-20) and they went out and did just that. Guess what they did? They went out and proclaimed Jesus as the risen Son of God and the Savior for all people, and those who responded and believed were taught and trained like Jesus taught and trained them. That is why we believe everyone should be part of a small disciple-making group where you can learn what Jesus and the Word of God says, where you can observe in others what that looks like, where you can ask questions, where you can be honest, where you can feel loved, and where you can grow into a mature disciple.
We believe it is essential for everyone to be part of a small group in order to grow and be spiritually healthy. There are a number of groups that meet throughout the week and the way to get started is to simply show up.
Currently groups meet:
SUNDAY. 9:00 AM - Children's classes: 4 years - 6th grade; Youth class: 7th grade - 12th grade; Adult classes
WEDNESDAY:7:00 PM - Bible Study for men and women. Youth group; Gospel Project for children 1st grade - 6th grade
Susie serves as our Bible School Director. Her responsibilities include oversight of the Children's Sunday and Wednesday School classes. She is assisted by Pastor Hans in Adult Bible studies and small groups. Check out the Adult and Children's pages for more information.
We invite all to come and be a part of a small group or Sunday School Class -- We are saving a seat for you!
“Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure- pressed down, shaken together, and running over- will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”
Luke 6:38
Sunday Service Times
10:30am & 6:00pm
Wednesday Small Groups
Office Phone: (209) 628-2173
4175 Abeto St. La Grange, CA 95329